Saturday, April 28, 2012

Monore & Pierce - Sibling Shoot

It was a spontaneous night with my best friend who was in from out of town for my birthday. On a whim we we decided to capture some updated pictures of her kiddos Monroe 6 months & Pierce 3yrs for fun! It was a super quick session (we are talking 20 mins on the high end) but we got some great images to capture these kiddos in their prime young years! They're super cuties as you can see and such SWEET kids! Enjoy Erika and Mark, love your beautiful kids and you too!!:)


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Welcome Jake Gregoire! 8 days old

It was such a pleasure to photograph the wonderful Jake at 8 days old! He was the best baby to photograph and really was such a trooper the entire time. It really was a fun experience for me to capture all the beautiful features of this lil' guy for being my first photoshoot back since taking maternity leave. Welcome to the world Jake, you sure are a bundle of joy and just in time for Easter:) Enjoy Gregoires!